If you've been around here for a while, you know that I aboslutely love free motion quilting. If you're new here, hi, I'm Joni, and I absolutely love free motion quilting. I like to challenge myself with new quilting plans, and I don't shy away from putting a king-sized quilt under the needle of my Bernina 750QE. I teach a course twice a year on it so you can get to love free motion quilting too. Here's a round up of some of my best posts on the topic:
What is Free Motion Quilting?
In this post, I answer all your questions about what free motion quilting is and what you need your sewing machine to be able to do if you're going to quilt in this style. It's an FAQ format, so you can easily get to the answers you need the most.
The Power of Doodling
If you can draw it, you can quilt it. I promise. Doodling is the way your body builds muscle memory for making different quilting designs. It's a low-stakes way to practice, and you can take it with you everywhere. Hello, meeting that should have been an email!
Solving Sewing Machine Tension Issues
Tension issues are no fun. But did you know there are four things you should check before you start turning any dials? This post goes through things to check first so you can get back to a happy sewing session.
What is a Quilt Plan?
Knowing the different quilting designs out there definitely opens up the possibilities when you're quilting, but it can also lead to overwhelm. If you don't think about what types of designs are better suited to certain parts of the quilt, you can find yourself sitting at the sewing machine with no idea how to get started. That's where a quilt plan comes in. This post describes how I make quilt plans when it comes to the quilting step.
What would you add to the list? If you wanted this post to be an encyclopedia of free motion quilting, let me know what you would add in the comments.